A human-centered consultancy to radically improve your organization’s culture, agility, and outcomes



 How we can work together

When you’re working hard to keep up with the pace of business, it’s difficult to take a thoughtful, holistic approach to decision making. Accelerated change amidst tight timeframes, can eclipse team alignment, clarity of purpose, and connection to your organization’s values.

Engagements, like people, come in all shapes and sizes. Working together, we’ll attend to the “what,” the “how.” and the “why” to create human-centered solutions that improve your culture, your bottom line, and our world.

Culture eats strategy for breakfast.
— Peter Drucker, Father of Management Thinking


 “Robin will teach any organization how to really listen to their customers and their employees so there is mutual respect and understanding.

If after you work with her you think, ‘Wow, my team came up with really good insights and ideas - did we really need Robin?’ that’s because she’s done an excellent job making the solutions indigenous to your organization.”

— Secil Watson
Board Director | Advisor | Former EVP Wells Fargo


Culture + Strategy Alignment

Your business likely invests a lot in strategy: growth, product development, marketing, and more. What most people don’t realize is that the human factor, your company’s culture, is the critical determinant in whether those strategic investments fail or succeed.

I can help you sync your culture with your strategies so they complement and nurture each other to produce incredible results.

Finding your why
We’ll work together to dig in deep to uncover ways your organizational purpose and values can fuel your strategy and better guide what you do and how you do it.

Improving employee engagement
Here’s a gut-punch statistic: Only 1 in 3 employees feel they belong at their organization. I’ll help you uncover the root causes of employee disconnection so you can authentically grow engagement and productivity.

Boosting collaboration  
Progress requires silo busting. I’ll help your teams learn how to unleash the unique strengths of the individuals, while amplifying conscious collaboration to create game changing results.



Human-Centered Innovation

Sustainable innovation requires new organizational capabilities stemming from collaboration, experimentation, and other human-centered processes.

I work with your teams to help you innovate more thoughtfully while mitigating risk. The approaches I use reignite people’s passion for learning and teach them how to experiment their way into more creative, future-focused solutions customers love.

Design thinking and doing workshops
Structured around your real and specific organizational challenges, I design workshops focused on experimentation and prototyping that will foster learning, collaboration, and alignment.  

Human-centered capability development & training
It’s critical to approach projects with the essential skills of curiosity, systems thinking, and holistic problem solving. I’ll train your teams how to think and work in human-centered ways to help your organization thrive.

Ethnographic and qualitative research
Ethnographic research into your customer’s values, goals, and lived experiences generates new insights and uncovers critical misalignments with your company’s own internal assumptions. My approach offers two for the price of one: deeper understanding of your customers and help re-calibrating your strategies to better meet their needs.


Leadership Advising + Coaching

When you’re working in complete alignment with your goals, aspirations, and values, you’re not only a more effective leader; you have the power to change the world.

I work with organizations and leaders like you who are ready to fuse growth with meaning, no matter what stage your company is in or where you are in your career. Together, we’ll create a plan and path that feeds you and those around you economically, intellectually, and spiritually.

Strategic advising
I advise startups and midsize companies looking to become more customer-centric, socially equitable, and environmentally aware.

One-on-one coaching
We’ll work in an ongoing partnership to help you navigate transitions, hone your communication skills, unleash your greatest potential, and amplify your impact.


“Robin was one of my favorite people to learn from when I was at Wells Fargo.

She sparked my initial interest in design thinking and using customer insights to inform strategy. She is one of the best I've ever seen in this space.”

— Lisa DeCarlo
Co-Founder, Extraordinary Women on Boards



Whenever you’re approaching a strategic change, it’s good to know where you’re starting, why it’s important, and what to do next. Here are the questions that guide my process.


The engagement we design together will be bespoke to your organization.  Here are examples of tools I frequently use.


Outputs and outcomes will be both tangible - recommendations, prototypes, strategies, business models, experience principles - and intangible - team alignment, strategic mindset shifts, unlocked potential, new possibilities. 

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See my work in action.
