A human-centered consultancy to radically improve your organization’s culture, agility, and outcomes

About Robin Beers, PhD



My story

For more than 25 years, I’ve worked at ​​the intersection of organizational psychology, digital design and research, and diversity, equity, and inclusion to catalyze transformation for organizations, their employees, and their customers. I hold a doctorate in organizational psychology, a Master’s in African American Studies, and I’ve spent most of my career in senior leadership roles at Wells Fargo and Workday.

I believe that all strategies are better when they are deliberately designed from a humanistic perspective. Through generating new possibilities, I will help your organization define, design, and decide your way into a successful, sustainable future.  

I love being a “provocateur” and “evangelist” for human-centered approaches and am honored to write and speak globally on customer experience, design thinking, organizational culture, and research as a catalyst for change.


Robin dancing with the women of Umoja Women's Village, Kenya


Honor + Recognize

I am a white woman living in Marin County, California and recognize that the land I live and work on is the ancestral lands of the Coastal Miwok people who were removed and displaced unjustly; and that I am a beneficiary of that removal and displacement. I honor the Miwok people and culture as I live and work on their land.

I am deeply inspired by and use the the teachings and wisdom of the indigenous, Southern African Ubuntu worldview. I acknowledge that I was not born into the Ubuntu ontology (way of being) or epistemology (way of knowing) as a white American. I incorporate Ubuntu philosophy into my offerings as a humble student who sees the tremendous value of balancing individual needs with collective caretaking and the world liberating possibilities that will arise from embracing systemic and relational interconnection.

I endeavor to honor the African Ubuntu worldview by learning from experts for whom the philosophy is indigenous and work to maintain the integrity of their teaching in my work. Here are a couple of resources for learning more about Ubuntu philosophy:

DUMISANI MAGADLELA - ICF Coach and Author: Ubuntu Coaching and Connection Practices for Leader-Manager: Selected Practices to grow your team in a fast-changing world. (2023, Johannesburg, Knowledge Resources)

NOBANTU MPOTULO - Master ICF Coach of Coaches. You can learn more about Nobantu’s workshops and thought leadership at her website.



“Robin is incredibly insightful about the interconnections between business, experience design, and organizational change.

She is savvy not only about using creative research methods to discover new ways forward, but also about navigating complex organizations to actually make sure the work has a positive impact.”

— Suzanne Gibbs Howard
Founder, Dean & Managing Director of IDEO U



Keynotes & Seminars

Business is Human
Women Impact Tech Opening Keynote, 2023

What can Design Teach Your Organization?
Dilan Consulting Group Webinar, 2022

Design Researchers: What are we up to?  
Design Research Australia Opening Keynote, 2022

Research as a Catalyst for Organizational Change
Advancing Research Conference Closing Keynote, 2021

Healing the Divide: Designing for a Just World
Disruptor Connection podcast, 2020


Books I’m loving right now

Flux: 8 Superpowers for Thriving in Constant Change
This is a must-read for those of us who know that change is the only constant. Developing a flux mindset is the key to navigating this reality.

At Work in the Ruins: Finding Our Place in the Time of Science, Climate Change, Pandemics and All the Other Emergencies

I need books that help me think about this unprecedented time of pandemics, climate change, and social unrest. This is one of those books.

Doughnut Economics: Seven Ways to Think Like a 21st-Century Economist
Kate Raworth offers a brilliant economic model that considers growth within the context of a moral social foundation and our ecological resource ceiling.

The Creative Algorithm: How to Harness the Power of AI and Create Outstanding Digital Products
Artificial intelligence is creating a sea change in how we work, and this book provides a foundation for how to harness its power across a variety of use cases.

The Culture Code: The Secrets of Highly Successful Groups
One of my favorite books on organizational culture. An instant classic.

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See my work in action.
